
All | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

"Alternative politics"? The rise of new political formations in Central Europe: reasons, factors, consequences
"Alternative politics"? The rise of new political formations in Central Europe: reasons, factors, consequences
100 Days of the Dzurinda Government
20 years of self-governing regions in Slovakia
25 Years of Czech and Slovak Foreign Policy
30 years of Slovak security and defense policy
30 Years of the V4 As Seen by the Public
30 years since the fall of communism in Slovakia through the eyes of the public: gains and losses of the acquired freedom
A Survey of the Economic Elite's Opinion on Topical Issues Concerning the Slovak Economy
Active Citizenship and Nongovernmental Sector in Slovakia. Trends and Perspectives
Addressing Modern Antisemitism in the Visegrad Countries
Addressing Modern Antisemitism in the Visegrad Countries
Addressing Modern Antisemitism in the Visegrad Countries
Analysis of the Current State and Trends in the Development of Civil Society in Slovakia
Assistance to Ukraine in increasing public awareness about NATO: Slovakia’s experience
Assistance to Ukraine in increasing public awareness about NATO: Slovakia’s experience II.
Assistance to Ukraine in Raising the Knowledge of Journalists about NATO
Assisting Democracy Building in Iraq
Attitude of Central European MEPs to policies of the Russian Federation and other authoritarian states
Attitude of Central European MEPs to policies of the Russian Federation and other authoritarian states
Attitude of Central European MEPs to policies of the Russian Federation and other authoritarian states
Attitude of youth to democracy and European integration
Attitude of youth to democracy and European integration
British Council Target Group Research
Building up an international network – best practices in integration indicators
Central Europe in the mirror of Russian media
Centre of Excellence for Research on Citizenship and Civic Participation: Facing the Challenges of 21st Century (COPART)
Children and parents in cyberspace
Civil society in Slovakia: Crises, crossroads, challenges
Civil society in Slovakia: Crises, crossroads, challenges
Collection of data and monitoring threats in marginalized communities
Combating Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories as Tools for Extremist Political Mobilization (Research, Awareness Raising and Education)
Combating Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories as Tools for Extremist Political Mobilization (Research, Awareness Raising and Education)
Comparative analysis of illiberal tendencies in V4 countries
Content Analysis of magazine Romano nevo lil
Country at the crossroad
Cultural diversity in Slovakia in the context of work migration: trends and challenges for public policy
Current Problems in the Slovak Republic – June 2002
Current Problems in the Slovak Republic – March 2000
Current Problems in the Slovak Republic – September 2001
Current Problems in the Slovak Republic – September 2003
Democratization and Civil Society Development in Taiwan
Digital gap in generational perspective
Digital Literacy and Labor Market
Digital Literacy in Slovakia
Digital literacy in Slovakia 2015
Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2009
Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2011
Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2013
Digital Slovakia – Research Data for Students
Domestic Work and Female Migrants. Case of Slovakia.
E-Skills and the Labor Market in Slovakia
Early parliamentary elections in Slovakia 2012: public debate about the values of open society, integrity, civic participation and the European future of the country
Economic aspects of migration and integration of third-country nationals in Slovakia
Economic aspects of migration and integration of third-country nationals in Slovakia
Education in Informatics as it is Seen by Graduates of Primary and Secondary Schools
Endorsing the Transatlantic Debate, Promoting Transatlantic Values, and Strengthening Euro-Atlantic Vector in Ukraine
Enhancing the Rights of Older People and Utilizing Their Potential through Active Ageing
Ethnicity in the City
EU Enlargement, NATO Enlargement and the Future of Transatlantic Relations
European Web Site on Integration
European Web Site on Integration
Evaluation of the Government of the Slovak Republic
Evaluation of the Social Inclusion Policy Aimed at Reducing Long-Term Unemployment
Evaluation of the Social Inclusion Policy Aimed at Reducing Long-Term Unemployment
Experts and the Public
Extremism and its revival in public debate and political movements in Central Europe
Extremism in Slovakia: danger for united Europe and democracy
Female migrants and male migrants in the labor market in Slovakia – Identification and overcoming the discrimination barriers
Fighting disinformation and foster fact-based public debates
Financing of Political Parties in Slovakia
First-Time Voters in the Rearview Mirror
Focused on Extremism
Free Elections 20 Years After: Splendor and Misery of a Central European Dream
Gender and Family Aspects of Integration of Migrants from Third Countries
Global challenges and Visegrad cooperation as seen by the Visegrad public
Global Report on Roma in Slovakia
Historical consciousness in the Visegrad countries
How do the Young Ones See It?
How to Convince the Residents of East and South of Ukraine about the Benefits of the European Integration: Opinions of Experts and International Experience
I choose Europe, I choose the future
Identifying barriers to more effective application of anti-discrimination legislation in relation to unemployed persons
Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Partnership Programme
Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Partnership Programme
Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Partnership Programme
Inauthentic behavior in the online space in the V-4 countries during the Russian-Ukrainian War
Increasing awareness about discrimination and human rights among the public actors working with disadvantaged groups
Institute for Public Affairs expertise for improvement of the content of university education
Integration policies: Who benefits? The development and use of indicators in integration debates
IVO Barometer 2008
IVO Barometer 2009
IVO Barometer 2010
IVO Barometer 2011
IVO Barometer 2012
IVO Barometer 2013
IVO on 2009 Presidential Elections in Slovakia
IVO on Parliamentary Election 2010
IVO on the European Parliament Elections
Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy
Knowledge-based analysis and policy advice in the antidiscrimination field and the EU2020 Strategy
Language competence of Slovak population: German language in comparison with other languages
Launching e-Governance in Slovakia: Empowering Citizens to Participate, Influence and Exercise Democratic Control
Let's Do It! New Media Platforms for the Young Generation
Let's Do It! New Media Platforms for the Young Generation
Media social responsibility – panel discussion within FORUM 2000 conference
Migration and V4: challenges and opportunities
Milestones of Slovak history in the 20th century: "eight" and other years, historical consciousness of Slovak citizens
National Populism vs. Inter-Cultural Dialog in Slovakia: Political Factors and Values
Nations in Transit - Slovakia (1998 – 2003)
Nations in Transit - Slovakia 2009
Nations in Transit - Slovakia 2010
Nations in Transit - Slovakia 2013
Nations in Transit - Slovakia 2014
Nations in Transit – Slovakia 2008
Nations in Transit – Slovakia 2011
Nations in Transit – Slovakia 2012
New propaganda and disinformation challenges of V4/EaP states in the changing environment
Non-governmental Sector in Slovakia - Problems, Experiences, Trends
November 1989 in Slovakia: 20 Years After…
Nurturing Atlanticists in Central Eastern Europe: the Role of Media, Education, and Public Diplomacy (Case studies from Slovakia and Poalnd)
Older age and human rights: more participation, less discrimination
Older age and human rights: more participation, less discrimination
Older people, human rights and discrimination: where we are and where we are going
Open Slovakia
Open Slovakia
Open Windows
Perception of the Visegrad cooperation in V4 countries
Perception of the Visegrad cooperation in V4 countries
Plus for Women 45+
Plus for Women 45+
Plus for Women 45+
Plus for Women 45+
Political participation of women in Slovakia: possibilities and limits
Political participation of women: possibilities and limits in Slovakia (2020)
Political Parties on Security and Defense
Political Party Platforms
Political Party's Election Programs in Select Areas
Populism and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe
Present but Nevertheless (In)Visible? Culture and Social Integration of Foreigners in Local Perspective
Present but Nevertheless (In)Visible? Culture and Social Integration of Foreigners in Local Perspective
Projection of Malign Authoritarian Influence: Vulnerable Democracies in Contested Space
Promoting Dialogue in New Democracies
Public Administration Reform – Local Democracy as Seen by the Public
Public Opinion and Economic Reforms (Widespread Pessimism and Reform Apathy in Transition Countries)
Raxen_CC National Focal Points
Research of historical consciousness of the population of the Slovak Republic
Right-wing Extremism in Slovakia
Right-wing Extremism in Slovakia
Road to the EU of the Visegrad countries: Lessons for Ukraine
Roma Human Development
Series of Discussion Shows on STV - Forum Program
Slovak Judiciary As Seen by the Public, Experts, and Judges
Slovak Judiciary As Seen by the Public, Experts, and Judges
Slovak Parliamentary Elections 2010
Slovak statehood in the period of transformation and integration: 1993 – 2023
Slovak Voters and the 2002 Parliamentary Elections – general project
Slovak Way: Lessons Learned for Democrats (and Autocrats) Panel discussion in the framework of the 17th conference of FÓRUM 2000
Slovakia 2006. Global Report on the State of Society
Slovakia 2006: Public Debate on Values of Open Society and Civic Participation
Slovakia 2007. Global Report on the State of Society
Slovakia 2008: Global Report on the State of Society
Slovakia 2009. Global Report on the State of Society and Trends for 2010
Slovakia 2010. A report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011
Slovakia 2012. Trends in Quality of Democracy
Slovakia 2015
Slovakia and Russia's aggression against Ukraine: politics and the public
Slovakia in Key International Surveys: Twenty Years of Society Transformations
Slovakia to Afghanistan – Assisting in Building Democratic Institutions in a New State
Slovakia votes 2009
Slovakia, Migrants and Refugees
Slovakia: Promoting Reform Policies
Slovakia: The 2002 Parliamentary Elections and the State of Society
Slovakia: three decades of freedom and democracy
Social Network Sites in Slovakia
Social Responsibility of Media (first conference)
Sociographic Mapping of Roma Communities in Slovakia
Sociological Research of Target Groups in the 2002 Parliamentary Election Campaign
Specific Accompanying Report on National Strategies For minority Schooling
State of Affairs, Trends, Needs and Possibilities for Development of Civil Society in Slovakia
Strategies of Slovak Households in Transition to Digital TV Transmission
Strengthening Citizenship in V4 Countries
Student Elections
Student Elections 2014
Study – Principles of Regional Policies in Conjunction with National Development Plan with Focus on Marginalized Groups of Roma Population
Ten Years Together in the Union: Europe, Czech Republic and Slovakia
The 1998 Elections: Research for Action
The 2019 European elections in Slovakia: context and results
The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe
The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe
The Evaluation of the Activities of the Office of the Plenipotentiary of teh Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities
The Evaluation of Visegrad Countries’ Democratic Assistance Programmes
The Future of Enlarged NATO and European Union as Seen by Political Actors
The Liberal Parties in Central and Eastern Europe: Weakness and Potential
The Role of Civil Society in EU Integration Processes
The Roma Before the 2002 Parliamentary Elections
The Secrets from Diaries of Migrants on the Margin: More Inclusion for Beneficiaries of International Protection
The Secrets from Diaries of Migrants on the Margin: More Inclusion for Beneficiaries of International Protection
The Slovak parliamentary elections 2020: hope for change?
The Slovakia 1996 – 2010 DVD: a new tool of promoting in-depth knowledge of Slovakia’s transformation
Towards Equal Treatment: Awareness Raising and Multi-Level Empowerment of the Civil Society and Public Actions in the Field of Anti-Discrimination
Towards Gender Equality in Slovakia? (Emerging Plurality of “Gender Contracts” in the Period of Transition)
Transparency of Local Government Elections in Central and Eastern Europe
Transparency of Local Government Elections in Central and Eastern Europe
Transparency of Local Government Elections in Central and Eastern Europe
Two years of political freedom: 30 years after
Ukrainians Stand behind Euro-Atlantic Values: Ignorance is not Bliss
Values and Identities in the Enlargement of the Transatlantic Community: Case of Slovakia
Views of Slovak and Czech public on division of Czechoslovakia and the emergence of independent states
Visegrad Cooperation as Perceived by the Citizens of Four Countries
Visegrad Elections: Domestic Impact and European Consequences
Visegrad Platform for Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Civil Society
Vision of the Development of the Slovak Republic till 2020
We Will Decide or 333 Good Reasons Why to Go to the Polls
Who plays Russian roulette in Slovakia?
With Confidence into the Future – European Democracy Conference
Women as a target Group of Non-governmental Organizations in the Election Campaign
Women's Voices
Young Europeans without borders
Young people and the EU
Young people and the EU
Youth education for civic coexistence
Youth in Cyberspace - Prospects and Risks for Democracy

V4 is primarily based on cooperation in the domain of politics. But how is it perceived by the inhabitants of individual countries? 

The key areas of the development of the country’s security and defence sector in 1993-2023.

V4 at the Time of Polycrisis. Public Perception
Thirty Years of Slovak Security and Defence Policy

Attitudes of representatives of institutions and politicians towards Russian aggression & public opinion.

What encourages some actors to promote ties with a declining power with aggressive foreign policy and undemocratic regime?

Russia's war against Ukraine: A view from Slovakia
Who Is Playing Russian Roulette in Slovakia

Study explores how antisemitism is related to various socio-demographic and attitudinal factors. Research was carried out in V4 countries in 2021.

Factors that influence the country’s bilateral relations with EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe.

Survey on Antisemitic Prejudice in the Visegrád Countries
Taiwanese-European Autumn 2021: A View from Slovakia

Collection of analytical studies from experts from Great Britain, France, Norway, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Confronting the dark sides of the past and considering the participation of Christians in public life.

Conspiracy Theories in Europe
Tiso's Ghost in 2016 Slovakia
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