Supported by: European Union, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Taipei Representative office in Bratislava, US Embassy in Bratislava
Project span: June 2014 – February 2016
IVO project team: Grigorij Mesežnikov (leader of the Slovak part of the project, researcher), Ján Bartoš (administrative support), Peter Kunder (transparency expert), Jaroslav Pilát (legal expert), local volunteers.
Partners: Institute for Public Affairs (leading organization of the project, Warsaw), Integriteta – Association for Ethics in Public Service – Transparency International Slovenia (Ljubljana).
Objective: The project aim is to conduct monitoring and evaluation of the financing of electoral activities carried out by political parties and candidates in local elections in three countries – Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia - on the basis of shared methodology. The findings and outcomes of the project will be used in advocacy activities aimed at improving the legislative basis for the electoral process at the local level and increasing the level of transparency.
News in English:
International conference on campaign financing in municipal elections in Warsaw (Report, IVO, 14.3.2016)
Conference on transparency of election campaign (Report, IVO, 14.12.2015)
New IVO publication on municipal elections (Annotation, IVO, 14.12.2015)
Presentation of election monitoring results (Report, IVO, 16.3.2015)
Local elections 2014 campaign monitoring - training for volunteers in Bratislava (Report, IVO, 22.8.2014)
News in Slovak:
Call for experts (IVO, 19.1.2015)
Kandidáti vo voľbách môžu minúť hocikoľko, neexistuje strop (Radio interview, Radio Slovakia, 25.8.2014)
Na transparentnosť kampane majú dohliadnuť dobrovoľníci (Press release, SITA news agency, 11.8.2014)
Inštitút pre verejné otázky hľadá dobrovoľníkov (Call for volunteers, IVO, 11.8.2014)

Project is supported by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Project is supported by the Embassy of the USA in Bratislava.

Project is supported by the Taipei Representative Office in Bratislava.