On March 10, 2016 an international conference Transparency in Local Politics Financing. Lessons from the monitoring of elections in Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia was held in Warsaw. Conference was one of the main outputs of the project Transparency of Local Government Elections in Central and Eastern Europe. The conference was organized by the Warsaw Institute of Public Affair (ISP).
IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov presented the results of project research activities in Slovakia. In his contribution he summed up the findings from the monitoring of campaign financing in elections of mayors of regional cities in November 2014. He also outlined the main findings of the analysis of current legislation on electoral process at the local level, including the election campaign and its financing. He pointed out the problematic provisions in the existing legislation identified thanks to analysis and presented proposals for changes that should contribute to correcting and improving the electoral process in terms of its transparency and the application of effective controls.
In the following discussion, the experts from several countries shared their experience in the financing of election campaigns.
Conference programme.
Grigorij Mesežnikov (IVO, Slovakia)
Paulina Sobiesiak-Penszko (ISP, Poland), Grigorij Mesežnikov (IVO, Slovakia), Sebastijan Peterka (Transparency International Slovenia - Društvo Integriteta), Marcin Walecki (OSCE ODIHR), Tamara Otiashvili (OSCE ODiHR).
Magnus Ohman (International Foundation for Electoral Systems), Ulvi Akhundlu (OSCE ODiHR), Grigorij Mesežnikov (IVO, Slovakia), Sebastijan Peterka (Transparency International Slovenia - Društvo Integriteta).