Supported by: SPP Foundation.
Project span: October – December 2022.
Project team: Ján Bartoš, Grigorij Mesežnikov, Milan Galanda, Martin Bútora.
Objective: The aim of the project is, in the 30th anniversary of the end of functioning of the first freely elected Slovak parliament, to remind the public (and especially to convey to the younger generation) the circumstances of the initial stage of Slovakia’s political transformation (transition to a democratic regime, the introduction of democratic institutions, the formation of a democratic party system, the functioning of the mechanisms of representative democracy, solving the Czech-Slovak state-law issue, etc.).
The project consists in the re-edition of the two-volume publication (Two years of political freedom and Two years of political freedom - ex-post) written by young social scientists, published in 1992-1993 by the RaPaMaN foundation, with a new introductory part and a new typographic design.
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