Youth education for civic coexistence

Supported by: Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic 

Project span: May – December 2019 

Project team: Grigorij Mesežnikov, Olga Gyárfášová, Zora Bútorová, Ján Bartoš, Alena Adamková, external experts. 

Co-operating organizations: secondary schools in Bratislava 

Objective: The project is aimed at communicating knowledge and internalizing the fundamental rights and freedoms among young people, especially to educate them to coexist with different groups of the population. The aim of the project is to raise youth awareness of how modern democratic society works and to neutralize the impact of radical and extremist views denying the principles of equality of citizens. The goal of the project is to reduce the relatively high level of intolerance and social distance towards ethnic groups defined ethnically, linguistically, confessionally, by origin, etc. The main target group of the project is secondary school youth, who forms in this life phase its attitudes towards the basic principles of civil coexistence and prepares for its own civic and political participation in the democratic process. 

The project activities include interactive lectures/discussions with students of secondary schools in Bratislava on topics related to civic coexistence; surveys of students conducted through questionnaire; preparation and work with a guidebook on basic concepts of equality of citizens, tolerance, solidarity and human rights; representative survey of youth opinions on project-related issues; making students' opinions on issues of civic coexistence available through video-interviews. 

The planned activities and outputs:

• Representative opinion poll conducted on a sample of young people aged 15-19

• Educational book publication on civil coexistence

• Discussions with secondary school students

• Videoblogs

• Final panel discussion.


The project webpage with all above-mentioned outputs



Oznam o podpore: 

„Realizované s finančnou podporou Ministerstva spravodlivosti SR v rámci dotačného programu na presadzovanie, podporu a ochranu ľudských práv a slobôd a na predchádzanie všetkým formám diskriminácie, rasizmu, xenofóbie, antisemitizmu a ostatným prejavom intolerancie. Za obsah tohto dokumentu výlučne zodpovedá Inštitút pre verejné otázky“.

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