Supported by: Nadačný Fond Slovak Telekom pri nadácii Pontis, Accenture nadačný fond pri nadácii Pontis.
Project span: February – May 2014
Project team: Marián Velšic (leader), Ján Bartoš, Alena Adamková
Co-operating organizations: Slovak Telekom, Accenture
Objective: The project is based on the continuous reflection of current developing trends and problems in the field of the information society in Slovakia. Empirically grounded on the set of representative researches in 2005-2013, an analytical paper has been elaborated with the aim of identifying depth of differences and divisions of attitudes and experiences with digital technologies among young generation, generation of their parents and their grandparents. The outcomes of the project have been presented on a press conference and distributed for the key stakeholders, opinion makers, media, internet portals, civic associations and organizations implementing IT projects.
Press Release [PDF, in Slovak]
Digital gap in generational perspective - analytical report [PDF, in Slovak]
Presentation [PPT, in Slovak]