Historical consciousness in the Visegrad countries

Supported by: International Visegrad Fund

Project span: August 2011 - December 2011

Project team: Olga Gyárfášová (main investigator), Zora Bútorová

Objective: The purpose of the project is to map the mutual perception of citizens of Visegrad countries (heterostereotyp), as well as historical consciousness, perception of historical events and figures of their own and "neighbor’s" at the public level.

Survey of public attitudes and opinions follows up the similar IVO research in 2002 and 2003. The part of the research will be questions about own national histories, but also the history of neighbors (praised or accursed events and historical figures). Such a survey has never been conducted within the Visegrad countries. Its results will help to identify existing prejudices and stereotypes, in the interest of progressive crashing and de-construction of them.

Outputs: Presentation of the results at the conference "My Hero-Your Enemy" in early December 2011 in Prague, studies in professional journals as well as shorter outputs in the media.

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