Strategies of Slovak Households in Transition to Digital TV Transmission

Supported by: SES Astra

Project span: February 2009 – January 2010

Project team: Miroslav Kollár, Marián Velšic

Co-operating institutions: FOCUS Agency (fieldwork data collection)

Objective: The research project Strategies of Slovak Households in Transition to Digital Television Transmission examined Slovak households’ customers’ and watchers’ strategies expected in transition to digital terrestrial TV transmission Slovakia is supposed to undergo in 2010 - 2012.

The research was carried out by means of a representative survey on a sample of 1029 respondents, age of 14+, which allows for generalization of the findings on population of the Slovak Republic, based on primary socio-demographical characteristics (gender, age, education, size of community, and region). Fieldwork data collection was run by the FOCUS agency in March 2009 through the network of trained interviewers using the method of standardized face-to-face interviews.

The main aim of the project was to detect the currently most popular method of distribution of TV signal and to analyze the satisfaction of customers with the technology used, the migration between the TV reception methods available, and to identify the trends in its technological developments.

The analytical report summarizes the findings and conclusions of the research. These were presented at the international conference Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic 2010 under the title ‘Digital TV – expectations versus reality’.

1. Press release
2. Presentation of research outputs

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