Supported by: PASOS (Prague), National Endowment for Democracy (USA)
Co-operating institutions: PASOS, IPA (Warsaw), DIF (Kyiv)
Project span: July – August 2014
IVO project team: Grigorij Mesežnikov (mentor), Ján Bartoš (manager)
Objective: The project included several-weeks-study-stay of scholar from Ukraine focused on gaining the new knowledge about democratic transition in Central European countries. In July – August 2014, Oleg Shynkarenko, media expert and journalist (Hromadske Radio, Zaporizhzhya/Kyiv), holds study leave in IVO. He continues his work on the research topic Ukrainian Media Market in a Period of Transformation after the Euromaidan. During his stay in Bratislava, Ukrainian experts holds the series of meetings with Slovak scholars and journalists.
Output: Ukrainian Media after Euromaidan
More information on project: PASOS web