Research of historical consciousness of the population of the Slovak Republic

Project span: March – October 2018. 


Cooperating institutions: Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, FOCUS polling agency, Center for Public Opinion Research at the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, daily Denník N. 


Project team: Zora Bútorová,  Grigorij Mesežnikov, Ján Bartoš. 


Objective: Project focuses on identifying how citizens of Slovakia and Czech Republic perceive events of 20th and 21st centuries. The research addresses the following specific areas: 


a) which events are considered by citizens to be of the utmost importance for their country (within “big”  history) and for themselves or for their family (within “small” history), 


b) what is degree of people’s  knowledge of key historical events and what evaluating marks they attribute to these events (whether they evaluate them as positive, ambivalent or negative), 


(c) what is degree of people’s knowledge of key historical personalities and what evaluating marks they attribute to these personalities (whether they evaluate them as positive, ambivalent or negative), 


d) what interpretations (including  mythological ones) of particular historical events are spread among people, 


e) what are the similarities and differences in historical consciousness of the Slovak and Czech populations, 


f) what is the dynamics of the development of the historical consciousness of the Slovak population after 1989. 


Outputs (articles, research report, press conference):


Articles and interviews:

Ako sa po storočí verejnosť pozerá na prvú ČSR (article in daily Denník N)

Vtedy pred dvadsiatimi rokmi (article in daily Denník N)

Päť paradoxov nášho vnímania Slovenského národného povstania (article in daily Denník N)

Okupáciu odsudzujeme, k tomu, čo prišlo po tom, sme zhovievaví (article in daily Denník N)

Ďalšia slovenská osmička: 30 rokov od Sviečkovej demonštrácie (article in daily Denník N)

The Slovak National Uprising and its perception (interview, Radio Slovakia International) 

Odmietame Mečiara, Biľaka aj Tisa (interview in weekly .týždeň)

Diskusia so Zorou Bútorovou v relácii týždenníka .týžden Pod lampou (discussion of Zora Bútorová in TV .týždeň with Štefan Hríb)

Research reports:

Slovak report [pdf]

Czech report [pdf]

Press conference (presentation of research findings):


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