Older people, human rights and discrimination: where we are and where we are going

Supported by: Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.

Project span:
 May – December 2022.

Project team:  Zora Bútorová, Oľga Gyárfášová, Grigorij Mesežnikov, Ján Bartoš, Martina Bendíková, external experts (researchers, authors). 

Objective: The aim of the project is to expand and update the knowledge base on the living situation of men and women 55+, their experiences of discrimination in various areas of life and the barriers to exercising their rights; also to publish research findings, contribute to the cultivation of public discourse; to strengthen senior NGOs in advocacy activities; to promote human rights education with regard to the age and gender dimension; to contribute to the weakening of the age stereotypes in the media and the general public. All of this is intended to help promoting the application of a human rights approach to older people. 

The project has primarily an analytical-research character. Sociological research on the living situation and respect for the human rights of older people in Slovakia will continue the analyzes carried out during the European Year for Active Aging and Intergenerational Solidarity (2012) and the preparation of the first National Active Aging Program (2014-2020). The final output – a book publication will captures the continuity and changes in the status of older people over the last decade and will set the today’s mirror: how they perceive the life situation and rights of older people in times of pandemics themselves, as well as the general public. 

Project outputs:


Press release, 11 November 2022

Video-commentary of Zora Bútorová

Press release, 31 October 2022

Presentation of survey results at the conference Senior Friendly, 14 October 2022

Video-commentary of Grigorij Mesežnikov

Press release, 20 October 2022


Comprehensive analytical publication



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