Supported by: National Endowment for Democracy/Political Capital Institute (Budapest)
Project span: August 2019 – October 2020.
Co-operating organizations: Political Capital Institute (Hungary), Centre for Democratic Integrity (Austria), Visegrad Insight (Poland), European Values (Czech Republic), Global Focus (Romania), Centre for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria).
Project team: Grigorij Mesežnikov, Ján Bartoš.
Objective: The aim of the project is to map the views of MEPs from Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and Austria on the policy of the current leadership of the Russian Federation and other authoritarian states, their activities in the given area (voting, participation in events, writing, etc.)
Activities: Monitoring, analysis, evaluation, presentation, dissemination of findings in media.
Analytical report "European Parliament: the primary source of immunity to foreign authoritarian influence?"
Analysis of the voting of Slovak MEPs and their views on Russia:
Analysis of the voting of Slovak MEPs in issues related to the rule of law, democracy and human rights in the world:
Final study:
Special project website:
An executive summary, policy recommendations and a chapter on Slovakia in the Slovak language:
Autoritárske tiene v Európskej únii. Vplyv autoritárskych štátov na inštitúcie EÚ [pdf]
Slovak summary with infographics: