Plus for Women 45+

Supported by: the European Social Fund. The project was carried out as part of the EU Community Initiative EQUAL.

Time Span:
2005 – 2008


The project paid particular attention to women over 45, who often face double discrimination on the labor market – both as women and as persons in their mature years. It set the following goals:

1. Learning more about the life and work of women over 45 and examining gender and age stereotypes in Slovak society.
2. Disseminating research findings and making them available to target groups as well as to the general public.
3. Carrying out gender and age sensitive education to empower women over 45 and to strengthen their status on the labor market (for more information, see www. esfem.sk)
4. Carrying out social campaign to increase society’s gender and age sensitivity, to empower women over 45 and to strengthen their status on the labor market.

IVO Project team:

Zora Bútorová (project leader); Jarmila Filadelfiová (analyst); Oľga Gyárfášová (analyst), MartinaSekulová (analyst), Marián Velšic (analyst); Martin Bútora (analyst); Zuzana Velková and Oľga Kočišová (financial management); Broňa Pinterová and Peter Pavilek (management and technical assistance)

Co-operating institutions:

The project Plus for Women 45+ was implemented by a development partnership comprising of four Slovak organizations: the Institute for Public Affairs (lead partner); the FOCUS agency (www.focus-research.sk); the EsFem civic association and the Hlava 98  civic association.

Transnational co-operation

The Plus for Women 45+ development partnership was part of transnational partnership European Gender Equality and Diversity Network  consisting of five national development partnerships: “MONIKKO” of Finland;  “Give me a hand “ of Lithuania;  “Women @ Europe” of Germany; “Coherent counseling” of Denmark; and “Plus for Women 45+” of Slovakia.

Project outputs
(available at the Institute for Public Affairs):

A. Four books summarizing findings of the research endeavor in 2005 – 2008:

1.     Filadelfiová, J – Bútorová, Z. (Ed.): Ženy, muži a vek v štatistikách trhu práce [Women, Men and Age in Labor Market Statistics]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2007.

2.     Bútorová, Z. (Ed.): Tu a teraz: sondy do života žien 45+ [Here and Now. Probes into the Lives of Women 45+]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2007.

3.     Bútorová, Z. et al.: Ona a on na Slovensku. Zaostrené na rod a vek [She and He in Slovakia. Focused on Gender and Age]. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2008.

4.     Bútorová, Z. et al.: She and He in Slovakia. Gender and Age in the Period of Transition. Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2008.

B. Proceedings of an international conference Women 45+ on Labor Market: Gender, Age and Equality of Opportunities organized in Bratislava in 2007.

C. Outputs of the social campaign My mom wants to work, which was carried out in electronic and print media in 2008:

1. TV spot

 Radio spot

3. Newspaper ad

4. CD Plus for Women 45+ (2005 – 2008). 

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