Supported by: SME daily, Institute for Public Affairs (IVO)
Project span: June 2002 – September 2002
Project team: Miroslav Kollár – coordinator of the project and editor; Grigorij Mesežnikov – coordinator; Jana Rybová – assistant; IVO internal analysts and external experts
Co-organizing Institutions: SME daily
Objective: To offer to the general public an expert evaluation of the individual members of the government of the Slovak Republic during the office period of 1998- 2002. Further, to evaluate the extent to which the 1998 governmental program was fulfilled.
Outputs: The project has two outputs.
A series of twenty articles in SME daily published in June and July of 2002, later released in their edited versions in the following publication:
Resolutions and Reality. Evaluation of the Fulfilling of the Program Manifesto by the Dzurinda Government. The publication is a compilation of studies from different authors published in 20 chapters. It is available in the Slovak language only.