Title |
Autror/Host |
▼Date |
Medium |
Language |
Slovak Elections 2020: Unexpected implications of the expected victory |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
25.3.2020 |
europesfutures.eu |
EN |
A political map of Slovakia two years after the tragedy of the murder of Ján and Martina |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
11.3.2020 |
boell.de |
EN |
Political context of the murder of a journalist in Slovakia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
7.3.2018 |
boell.cz |
EN |
The Fallout of Murder |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
1.3.2018 |
visegradinsight.eu |
EN |
Analyst: Society has the tools to prevent the worst from happening |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
1.2.2017 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Запад давил на Украину, отговаривал вводить войска в Крым, надеясь, что все решится мирным путем |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
8.12.2016 |
gordonua.com |
UA |
Slovak echoes of Brexit |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
3.8.2016 |
boell.de |
EN |
Migration, elections and extremism: the case of Slovak politics |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
26.5.2016 |
boell.de |
EN |
Migration, Wahlkampf und Extremismus: Das Fallbeispiel Slowakei |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
26.5.2016 |
boell.de |
Люстрация: как это может быть в Беларуси и Украине |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
17.5.2016 |
charter97.org |
RU |
Brussels, Moscow and European Belarus |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
12.5.2016 |
charter97.org |
EN |
Брюссель, Москва и Европейская Беларусь |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
5.5.2016 |
charter97.org |
RU |
Гендерна нерівність в Україні та Словаччині: схожість в спадщині комунізму |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
25.4.2016 |
povaha.org.ua |
UA |
Страны Вышеграда и российско-украинская война: взгляд изнутри |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
12.4.2016 |
charter97.org |
RU |
Die slowakischen Wahlen 2016: Ein Schock für die Demokratie |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
22.3.2016 |
boell.de |
The 2016 elections in Slovakia: a shock |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
22.3.2016 |
boell.org |
EN |
European Union, Lukashenka, and fate of Belarusian democracy |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
15.2.2016 |
charter97.org |
EN |
Евросоюз, Лукашенко и судьба белорусской демократии |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
12.2.2016 |
charter97.org |
RU |
Вибори в Словаччині |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
29.1.2016 |
ukrinform.ua |
UA |
Выборы в Словакии |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
29.1.2016 |
ukrinform.ru |
RU |
Евросоюз - Беларусь: Без права на ошибку |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10.10.2015 |
charter97.org |
RU |
Der Mainstream ist proeuropäisch |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
9.10.2015 |
Wirtschaftsblatt |
Release of political prisoners: a lot of questions and one answer |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
16.9.2015 |
charter97.org |
EN |
Освобождение политзаключенных: много вопросов и один ответ |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10.9.2015 |
charter97.org |
RU |
The best that could have happened |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
1.8.2015 |
Visegrad Insight |
EN |
West should launch counterattack in war with Russia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
20.7.2015 |
charter97.org |
EN |
В войне с Россией Запад должен переходить в контрнаступление |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
20.7.2015 |
charter97.org |
RU |
Refugees are not welcome: A brown Saturday in Bratislava |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
7.7.2015 |
boell.de |
EN |
UE trebuie intai de toate sa ia in considerare perspectivele colaborarii cu tarile Parteneriatului Estic, indiferent de pozitia Rusiei |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
27.5.2015 |
europalibera.org |
RO |
The Váhostav affair is the Gorilla of Smer |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
4.5.2015 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Slowakei ein Jahr vor Parlamentswahlen: Stand und Aussichten |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
26.3.2015 |
kas.de |
Slovakia: Causes of the Referendum Fiasco |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
12.2.2015 |
boell.cz |
EN |
Politicians' Referendum Mantras |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
6.2.2015 |
boell.de |
EN |
Mesežnikov: 2015 will be a pre-election year |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
12.1.2015 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Вышеград и Украина: особенности национальных подходов |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
13.11.2014 |
Ukrinform |
RU |
заявления премьера по санкциям не отражаются на позиции государства |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
1.9.2014 |
Ukrinform |
RU |
Success based on alliances (interview) |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
14.7.2014 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Слово Словакии, V-4 и российско-украинский конфликт |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
7.7.2014 |
ukrinform.ua |
RU |
A vicious circle of disinterest in European elections |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
1.7.2014 |
green european journal.eu |
EN |
Europa-wahlen: das "slowakische paradox" |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
12.6.2014 |
boell.de |
Словакия в вопросе реверсных поставок газа в Украину будет придерживаться позиции ЕС |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10.6.2014 |
RU |
Политолог Григорий Месежников – о словацком реверсе |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
14.4.2014 |
svoboda.org |
RU |
Российско-украинский конфликт, санкции ЕС и Словакия |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10.4.2014 |
Ukrinform |
RU |
Slovakia's Presidential Election: When Playing the Conservative Card Does Not Work |
Bútorová Zora |
8.4.2014 |
cz.boell.org |
EN |
The presidential defeat of Robert Fico |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
3.4.2014 |
Visegrad Insight |
EN |
Новый президент Словакии поддерживает Украину и осуждает РФ |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
1.4.2014 |
ukrinform.ua |
RU |
Киска однозначно осуждает аннексию Крыма |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
1.4.2014 |
day.kiev.ua |
RU |
Словаки на президентских выборах выступили против концентрации власти |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
24.3.2014 |
ukrinform.ua |
RU |
Словaкия: прeдвыборнaя кaмпaния нa фонe крымской войны |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
13.3.2014 |
hvylya.org |
RU |
СМЕР в Словакии: политический монолит для европейской страны |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
8.2.2014 |
ukrinform.ua |
RU |
2013 saw extremism rising in Slovakia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
6.1.2014 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Conspiracy ideas in Slovakia: state of affairs, shifts and contexts |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
21.10.2013 |
Deconspirator.com |
EN |
Visegrad Group, Eastern Partnership and Ukraine |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
11.10.2013 |
ukrinform.ua |
EN |
Вышеградская четвёрка, Восточное партнёрство и Украина |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
11.10.2013 |
ukrinform.ua |
UA |
"Hungarian threat" as conspiracy stereotype in Slovakia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
25.9.2013 |
deconspirator.com |
EN |
Konspirációs elméletek és a "magyar fenyegetés" |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
23.9.2013 |
Új szó |
HU |
Many people believe that someone pulls the strings |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
19.8.2013 |
deconspirator.com |
EN |
Demand for right-wing extremist politics in Slovakia: Findings of the DEREX project |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10.8.2013 |
deconspirator.com |
EN |
Eastern Europe's Path to Democracy |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
26.2.2013 |
SGI News |
EN |
EU as a tool of global conspiracy? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
5.2.2013 |
deconspirator.com |
EN |
Norwegian Tragedy and Slovakia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
5.11.2012 |
deconspirator.com |
EN |
A Sociedade Civil Duas Décadas Depois |
Bútora Martin |
1.11.2012 |
Nova Cidadania |
PT |
Principle of inclusion is needed |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
29.10.2012 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Who Do You Love More: Mom Or Dad? |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
3.10.2012 |
visegradrevue.eu |
EN |
The Three Faces of Anti-Semitism in Slovakia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
20.7.2012 |
deconspirator.com |
EN |
Slovak Parliamentary Elections 2012: Is Radical Nationalism Rising or on the Decline? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
13.6.2012 |
deconspirator.com |
EN |
Словакия: образец трансформации для Беларуси? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10.5.2012 |
N-Europe Belarus |
BY |
Славацкі палітолаг: Каб перамагчы аўтарытарызм, трэба аб’яднацца |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
23.4.2012 |
Euroradio Belarus |
BY |
The outlook for Slovak-Hungarian relations after the 2012 parliamentary elections |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10.4.2012 |
boell.cz |
EN |
The Possibilities and Limits of Our Future |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
2.4.2012 |
Connection |
EN |
V4s Historical Hero - Mr. Nobody |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
27.3.2012 |
V4 Revue |
EN |
Szlovák választások: Fico győztes taktikája, Orbán ügyes húzása |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
18.3.2012 |
Népszabadság |
HU |
Словакия при новом премьере: станет ли меньше энтузиазма в отношении Украины? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
16.3.2012 |
UA |
Keine Ausrede auf Koalitionspartner |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
15.3.2012 |
Wirtschaftsblatt AT |
Eltűnt a szlovák szélsőjobb? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
14.3.2012 |
fn.hir24.hu |
HU |
Возвращение пророссийского премьера |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
13.3.2012 |
День |
UA |
Mesežnikov: kár, hogy a Híd és az MKP képtelen szót érteni |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
12.3.2012 |
Új szó |
HU |
Diagnóza napravo od stredu |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
25.2.2012 |
SK |
És egyszeriben minden megváltozott… |
Bútora Martin |
10.9.2011 |
Új szó |
HU |
Jó az irány, de lassú a tempó |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
9.7.2011 |
Új szó |
HU |
Die Slowakei nach der Wahl |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
13.4.2011 |
KAS Auslandsinformationen |
Post-Election Slovakia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
13.4.2011 |
KAS International Reports |
EN |
Slovakia: from the Velvet Revolution to the Third Decade of Freedom |
Bútora Martin |
Winter 2010-2011 |
Slovo (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) |
EN |
Twenty Years of Maturing: Slovak Women Exploring the Frontiers of Democracy |
Bútorová Zora |
Winter 2010-2011 |
Slovo (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) |
EN |
Občianska spoločnosť na Slovensku zvíťazila nad autoritárskymi tendenciami |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
15.1.2011 |
Profil |
RU |
The Atlanticism of Slovaks on the Rise |
Bútorová Zora, Gyárfášová Oľga |
3.12.2010 |
blog.gmfus.org |
EN |
A gyoztes veresége |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
19.6.2010 |
Nepszabadsag |
HU |
Kipucolt bal, színes jobb - Grigorij Meseznikov politológus a szlovákiai választásokról |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
30.5.2010 |
Magyar Narancs |
HU |
Kisebbségek: mit javasolnak az ellenzéki pártok? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
30.5.2010 |
ÚjSzó |
HU |
Kisebbségek: mit javasolnak a kormánypártok? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
22.5.2010 |
ÚjSzó |
HU |
Finding Common Grounds. Rediscovering the Common Narrative of Turkey and Europe |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
31.12.2009 |
International Issues and Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs |
EN |
Who really won the 2009 European Elections in Slovakia? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
23.6.2009 |
www.boell.cz |
EN |
Presidential Election in Sovakia: Outcomes and Context |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
27.5.2009 |
www.boell.cz |
EN |
Magyar fejjel, szlovák szívvel, közép-európai lélekkel Földgömb, térkép |
Bútora Martin |
23.5.2009 |
Új Szó |
HU |
Will Union Lose Its Face? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
29.4.2009 |
EN |
Die Zukunft der NATO in Mittelosteuropa |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
20.4.2009 |
Das Parlament |
She and He still not equal |
Bútorová Zora |
6.4.2009 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
A new beginning - and not just for America |
Bútora Martin |
7.11.2008 |
www.salon.eu.sk |
EN |
Slovaks and Americans greet Obama US election victory |
Bútora Martin |
5.11.2008 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Slovak citizens online |
Velšic Marián |
11_2008 |
Connection |
EN |
Slovaks´views of the United States: Room for Improvement |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
15.7.2008 |
Connection |
EN |
НАТО - Слов'янський вибір |
25.6.2008 |
UA |
Nationalism has simply asserted itself much easier |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
9.1.2008 |
Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Role of Think Tanks in Economic Transition in Slovakia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10.12.2007 |
Supporting Changes |
EN |
Nightmares From the Past, Dreams oF the Future |
Bútora Martin |
17.10.2007 |
Journal of Democracy |
EN |
Transatlantic Trends: What new democracies share, and don’t |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
21.9.2007 |
blog.gmfus.org |
EN |
Who is really benefiting from Fico´s politics? |
Mesežnikov Grigorij, Nicholson Tom |
1.5.2007 |
EN |
Slovakia’ s political lurch casts doubt on its pro-EU stance |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
13.2.2007 |
Europe´s World |
EN |
Prekvapenia v medziach normy |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
3.10.2006 |
Hospodárske noviny |
SK |
Covering all the angles |
Deegan Kevin Krause, Mesežnikov Grigorij |
24.6.2006 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Slovakia 2005-2006: The political drama |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
9.1.2006 |
Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Digital Literacy in Slovakia |
Velšic Marián |
11_2005 |
Connection (American Chamber of Commerce) |
EN |
The elections deserve more attention |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
28.11.2005 |
Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Grigorij Meseznikov on Prospects of SDKU and HZDS Coalition |
Nicholson Tom |
14.2.2005 |
Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Good news for Slovakia |
Bútora Martin |
21.2.2005 |
Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Slovakia: From Black Hole to Leading Light |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
6.10.2004 |
Transition Online |
EN |
Europe Old and New: Neighbors, Friends and Allies |
Gábelová Barbora |
13.8.2004 |
Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs |
EN |
Schuster's mixed record |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
21.6.2004 |
Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Is Slovakia Moving Towards an Early Election? |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
1_2004 |
M.E.S.A.10, Slovak Monthly Report |
EN |
Political and Technical Conditionality in Slovakia's Accession into the OECD |
Bruncko Martin |
13.11.2000 |
Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs |
EN |
Recent Romani migration from Slovakia to EU member states. |
Vašečka Imrich, Vašečka Michal |
3_2003 |
Nationalities Papers |
EN |
"We have to work like workaholics to catch up" after Meciar |
Bútora Martin |
15.2.1999 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Put Down In The Underclass |
Vašečka Michal |
10_1999 |
The New Presence |
EN |
The Crisis in Kosovo and the Slovak Public: A Lesson on International Politics |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
12_2000 |
Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs |
EN |
Ongoing tension within SDK should not threaten stability of the Government |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
12_2000 |
M.E.S.A.10, Slovak Monthly Report |
EN |
Movements on the Political Scene |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
4_2001 |
M.E.S.A.10, Slovak Monthly Report |
EN |
The Main Trends of the Internal Political Development of Slovakia in 2000 as One of the Factors of the Foreign Policy of Slovakia |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
1.4.2001 |
Slovak Institute for International Studies |
EN |
The Roma in Domestic Media |
Vašečka Michal |
4.6.2001 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Think tank chief: Slovaks deserve more from government |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
11.6.2001 |
The Slovak Spectator |
EN |
Role of Think Tanks in Social Transformation Process |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
9_2001 |
Connection (American Chamber of Commerce) |
EN |
Breaking the Legacy of the Past – Establishing Independent Public Opinion Polls in Slovakia |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
8.11.2001 |
Transitions OnLine (TOL) |
EN |
Mr. Mečiar - Reformed Champion of Democracy? |
Šťastný Marek |
1.2.2002 |
EN |
Zástavy vzbury a nenávisti |
Vašečka Michal |
23.8.2002 |
Gazeta Wyborcza |
PL |
The 2002 Parliamentary Elections in Slovakia and Prospects for Further Development |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
10_2002 |
EN |
Slovakia: Consolidation of Democracy with State Sovereignty |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
1_2003 |
Review of International Affairs (Međunarodna politika), Vol. L - LII, Nos 1078-1104 |
EN |
Bratislava podporuje USA, pretože zdieľame spoločné hodnoty |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
4.3.2003 |
Standard News (Bulharsko) |
BG |
Unity in the Union |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
4_2003 |
NGO News |
EN |
Slovakia heads for the EU: what was accomplished and what lies ahead |
Gyárfášová Oľga |
7_2003 |
Az Európai Tanulmányok (Európa 2002) |
EN |
Mesežnikov: Kandidates lists not surprising |
Mesežnikov Grigorij |
20.3.2006 |
The Slovac Spectator |
EN |
Kríza neoslabila len dnešnú vládu, ale aj tú novú |
Bútora Martin |
13.2.2006 |
Pravda |
SK |