All | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006news | 21.12.2017 |
Active citizenship and civic participation in Slovakia and V4 countries
New research data on civic participation in Slovakia and Central Europe.
news | 17.12.2017 |
Focused on extremism
New IVO research study
news | 11.12.2017 | IVO
Study on "sharp power" of states with authoritarian regimes
The study is the output of the project, which included acivities of analytical centers and individual experts from the USA, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Argentina and Peru.
news | 4.12.2017 |
25 years after division of CSFR and establishment of the independent Slovak Republic and Czech Republic
Common Czecho-Slovak sociological survey
news | 29.11.2017 |
About the role of media in contemporary society at the Human Forum 2017 in Banská Bystrica
IVO analysts discussed how different information sources influence the value and political preferences of the population.
news | 27.11.2017 |
Young people and the risks of extremism
New analytical study
news | 24.11.2017 |
Lecture on contemporary Russia at the Catholic University in Ruzomberok
On Russia’s history, politics and current development.
news | 22.11.2017 |
International conference on democracy in Bratislava
Prominent international scholars took part in the event organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Publc Affairs
news | 18.11.2017 |
Discussion in Trnava on active citizenship in Slovakia and V4 countries
Presentation of findings from new research project.
news | 13.11.2017 |
Exit, Voice or Loyalty? Exploring the views of young people on the European Union, democracy, immigration
Publication analyzing results of survey conducted in V4 countries, Germany and Austria.
news | 10.11.2017 |
What is behind the conspiracy theories?
Seminar for teachers on effective education to democratic citizenship.
news | 9.11.2017 |
Public debate on right-wing extremism in Bratislava
How serious is the threat of extremism in Slovakia?
news | 2.11.2017 |
Introduction of the book Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy in Banská Bystrica
Meeting with readers of new IVO book.
news | 1.11.2017 |
IVO on the regional elections of 2017
IVO analytical outputs related to regional elections 2017.
news | 30.10.2017 |
Public discussion in Nové Zámky
Extremism against civic co-existence – debate in local library
news | 30.10.2017 |
Discussion within the project Strengthening Citizenship in V4 Countries in Bratislava
Expert debate organized by IVO and Institute of European Studies and International Relations.
news | 27.10.2017 |
Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Institute for Public Affairs
Cultural and social event dedicated to IVO 20th anniversary (1997 – 2017).
news | 26.10.2017 |
Book Fences, Walls, Borders: discussion in Nitra
New book on borders in human entities.
news | 20.10.2017 |
Public debate on civil society and extremism in Banská Štiavnica
Event within the project Focused on Extremism.
news | 10.10.2017 |
Conference on Europe, democracy and extremism
IVO president at international event in Košice.
news | 21.9.2017 | IVO
Introduction of the book Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy in Bratislava
Public introduction of a book by Ľuba Lesná with an accompanying program in Pálffy Palác in Bratislava.
presentation | 14.9.2017 | IVO
Presentation of the book Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy
Grigorij Mesežnikov, Peter Vačok, Ľuba Lesná and others at a presentation of a new IVO book in Artforum in Bratislava.
news | 25.8.2017 | IVO
There is a clear dominance of people's pride of the anti-fascist Slovak National Uprising and its positive assessment
According to IVO poll up to 85% of the adult population of Slovakia think that “the Slovak National Uprising was an expression of the resistance of Slovaks against fascism, and therefore we should be proud of it”.
press release | 11.8.2017 | IVO
Majority of Slovaks are concerned about the rise and spread of extremism
Institute for Public Affairs conducted representative opinion poll about the perception of extremism in Slovak society.
book | 31.7.2017 | IVO
Kidnapping. The Black Hole of Democracy
The aim of this new book is to familiarize the general public of Slovakia with the circumstances of the event which significantly influenced the country’s internal political development in the mid-1990s and later.
news | 8.7.2017 | IVO
IVO at Pohoda 2017 festival
Grigorij Mesežnikov and Katarína Mathernová discussed about populism.
publication | 30.6.2017 | IVO
Chapter in the publication "Unity in Adversity" by IVO analysts
Oľga Gyárfášová and Grigorij Mesežnikov contributed to the new publication Unity in Adversity. Immigration, Minorities and Religion in Europe.
research | 30.6.2017 | IVO
IVO survey on foreign policy orientation of Slovakia’s population
Majority of Slovaks approve EU and NATO membership.
news | 29.6.2017 | IVO
Public debate on extremism in Bardejov
On the process of forming the conditions for the operation of the right-extremist groupings in Slovakia.
news | 28.6.2017 | IVO
Public discussion on extremism in Prešov
On issues related to the activation of radical and right-wing extremist forces in recent times in Slovakia and in the region of Central Europe.
publication | 20.6.2017 | IVO
Publication about right-wing extremism in Slovakia published in German language
Heutiger Rechtsextremismus und Ultranationalismus in der Slowakei: Stand, Trends, Unterstützung.
news | 8.6.2017 | IVO
On terrorism, war and conflicts, role of the media
IVO President Grigorij Mesežnikov attended the 23rd International Golden Beggar Festival, held in Košice.
news | 29.5.2017 | IVO
Discussion about "uncivil" society in Slovakia
Lunch seminar in PDCS in Bratislava.
news | 21.5.2017 | IVO
In Šahy on extremism in Central and Eastern Europe
14th Meeting in Ipeľ River Bank – expert discussions.
conference | 17.5.2017 | IVO
Discussion on populism in foreign policy and positive scenarios for the EU
Conference of Hungarian European Society in Budapest.
analysis | 10.5.2017 | IVO
New studies on extremist and paramilitary organizations in Central European countries
Research project focused on activities of right-wing extremist groups.
research | 3.5.2017 | IVO
Education in informatics as it is seen by young people
What are the biggest mistakes and shortcomings in current IT education as they are seen by the generation that is just entering the labor market.
news | 25.4.2017 | IVO
Escaping the Escape – Europe and the Refugee Crisis
Discussion of foreign experts and presentation of a new publication organized by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Institute for Public Affairs.
news | 10.4.2017 | IVO
About populism in the framework of "Dialogue in the middle of Europe"
Discussion at Czech-German conference in Brno.
news | 29.3.2017 | IVO
Where does democracy go?
Grigorij Mesežnikov at a discussion organized by INEKO on perspectives and threads for democracy.
news | 27.3.2017 | IVO
Euroscepticists or Europe’s fans?
Expert Roundtable in Bratislava on the topic European Youth – Skepticists or Fans?
conference | 25.3.2017 | IVO
Manipulation - Disinformation - Mystification?
Grigorij Mesežnikov in Warsaw at discussion on Russia’s propaganda in Europe.
conference | 24.3.2017 | IVO
About Identity, Politics of Memory and Populism
IVO President at expert discussions in Budapest.
interview | 1.2.2017 | The Slovak Spectator
Grigorij Mesežnikov: Society has the tools to prevent the worst from happening
An interview with the president of the Institute for Public Affairs.
presentation | 1.2.2017 | IVO
Presentation of the book Open Country or Impenetrable Fortress?
IVO and Prague office of Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung organized panel discussion and book introduction in Goethe Institute in Bratislava.
publication | 19.1.2017 | IVO
Civil society in Slovakia: Crises, crossroads, challenges
New publication of Institute for Public Affairs.