On November 16, 2017, a public discussion Active Citizenship in the Slovak Republic and in the V4 Countries: State of Affairs and Challenges was organized by IVO in cooperation with the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts of Cyril and Methodius University, took place in Trnava.
The event was attended by IVO analysts Zora Bútorová and Grigorij Mesežnikov and was moderated by Jozef Lenč from the Department of Philosophy.
Zora Bútorová presented to participants (teachers and students) the findings from the representative public opinion poll on the topic of active citizenship and civic participation in the V4 countries. In the subsequent debate IVO experts responded to numerous questions from the moderator and participants.
The event took place within the framework of the international project Posilňovanie občianstva v krajinách V4 [Strengthening Citizenship in V4 Countries], supported by the International Visegrad Fund with the participation of research partners – STEM (Prague), Institute for Public Affairs (Warsaw), Political Capital Institute (Budapest) and Institute for Public Affairs (Bratislava).