The Institute for Public Affairs has published the results of research project focused on the topic of rise of radicalism and extremism in Slovakia. The analytical study Young People and the Risks of Extremism is further IVO contribution to the public discourse on activities threatening democratic principles and civil society.
The aim of the project is to provide political leaders, state institutions, non-governmental organizations and the general public via series of representative sociological surveys a qualified view on attitudes, value setting and other phenomena related to extremism in its various manifestations and forms, with the emphasis on young people in the age of 18 – 39 years.
„In the wake of the widening extremism in Slovakia, it is particularly worrying that the „protection of the white race“ represents an opinion stream close to 45 percent of young people. In addition, many of values typical for conservative parties have been successfully „privatized“ by the extremist political forces. Calling for national sovereignty, limitation of the impact of the EU, patriotism, pan-Slavic solidarity, protection of Christianity etc. – all this is included into political agenda of the ĽSNS, righ wing extremist party. In addition, there is another factor – low tolerance to „otherness“ – Marián Velšic, IVO analyst and author of the study, says.
The project Young People and the Risks of Extremism was implemented with the support of the ESET Foundation and the Bratislava Selg-Governing Region.