On 21 November 2017, the European conference on democracy With Confidence into the Future was held in Bratislava. Its co-organizers – the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Public Affairs – invited the world‘s leading experts dealing with process of democratization in Europe and the world, risks for the development of democracy, populist politics and authoritarian tendencies.
The participants of the conference discussed about current state of democracy, on what lessons can the democrats take from the interaction of two mutually divergent trends in current liberal democracies: on the one hand, theere is trend of populist forces trying to induce a wave of criticism against traditional political elites and, on the other hand, there is trend towards a gradual consolidation of positions of moderate programmatic parties that advocate the norms and values of liberal democracy.
With the knowledge of the recent election results in several EU countries, the participants discussed the question how to strengthen the confidence of citizens into idea of united, democratic and free Europe.
Conference Agenda
S dôverou v budúcnosť. Európska konferencia o demokracii 2017
Mit Vertrauen in die Zukunft. Europäische Demokratiekonferenz 2017
With Confidence into the future. European Democracy Conference 2017
Papers and presentations
Larry Diamond: Defending Liberal Democracy from the Slide Toward Authoritarianism (keynote speech)
Paul Lucardie: Populism and democracy in the Netherlands (prezentation)
Magali Balent: Populism and Elections - How is democracy in Europe challenged? The case of France (paper presented in panel)
Reports, articles, interviews
Podrobnejšia správa o obsahu konferencie (the detailed report about the conference in German on kas.de)
Som liberál, ale imigrácia musí spomaliť, hovorí americký profesor zo Stanfordu (interview with Larry Diamond in daily Denník N – in Slovak)
S dôverou v budúcnosť alebo ako sa vysporiadať s nárastom extrémizmu (article in daily Postoj/postoj.sk – in Slovak)
V otázke demokracie Slovensko akoby žilo na ostrove stability (interview with Radoslav Štefančík on tablet.tv – in Slovak)