On November 29, 2017, IVO analysts Oľga Gyárfášová and Grigorij Mesežnikov participated in Banská Bystrica at the Human Forum 2017 conference organized by the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of Matej Bel University, the civic initiative No in our city and the Center for Community Organization in Banská Bystrica. They participated in the panel discussion entitled „The role of media in the polarized society“, together with journalists Filip Struharik (daily Denník N) and David Tvrdoň (daily Sme).
Prof. Peter Terem, Vice Dean for science and research of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of UMB and the Head of Department of International Relations and Diplomacy opened and chaired the discussion. In their inputs o the discussion IVO analysts have dealt with the characteristics of the information society, significant advances in the media scene at present and their impact on society’s development, particularly citizens' communication, electoral behavior, political preferences of the population, and party politics.
The program of the event and more detailed information about its course can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/humanforumsk