Visegrad Four as Viewed by the Public: Past Experience and Future Challenges

Gyárfášová Oľga, Mesežnikov Grigorij

Vydavateľ, miesto a rok vydania
IVO, Bratislava, 2021



The Visegrad Four is primarily based on cooperation in the domain of politics. But how is it perceived by the inhabitants of individual countries? Do they know at all what it entails? How would they describe the Visegrad Four’s common interests? How do they perceive each other? What is the level of their mutual trust? What is the intensity of their mutual interactions? What problems within the Visegrad group itself and in its broader environs including the EU can be identified by inhabitants of individual V4 member states?

All these questions that represent an important dimension of internal cohesion on the level of V4 member states’ populations have hopefully been answered by the research project entitled “Perception of Visegrad Cooperation by V4 Inhabitants” that has been initiated and supported by the International Visegrad Fund and conducted by the Institute for Public Affairs.

Download: Visegrad Four as Viewed by the Public: Past Experience and Future Challenges [pdf]

Technické údaje
 Počet strán   54
 Väzba   brožovaná
 ISBN   978-80-89345-90-8

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