Slovakia 1996-2010. Global Reports on the State of Society.

The Institute for Public Affairs has prepared a unique publication comprising more than 17,000 pages written by more than 200 authors and reviewed by dozens of reviewers. It is a comprehensive electronic version of annual IVO reports on the state of society.

Our Global Reports are for fifteen years a perfect source of information for analysts, politicians, diplomats, journalists, commentators, students, public officials and many others, as well for all relevant institutions – libraries, schools, think-tanks, embassies, NGOs and other grass-root organizations, municipalities, regional associations, local civic initiatives, and media.

Therefore, we have prepared this new unique summary product DVD Slovakia 1996-2010 A Global Report on the State of Society, which helps preserve the memory of Slovakia’s development since mid-1990.

The Slovakia 1996 – 2010 DVD includes (in pdf format):

  • 14 issues of the Slovak version of Slovensko. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti,
  • 9 issues of the English version of Slovakia. A Global Report on the State of Society,
  • 3 more books in English – annual reports on country’s democracy development Slovakia 2008, Slovakia 2009, Slovakia 2010. Trends in Quality of Democracy.

To order the DVD, please visit our Publication Section or write to bartos@ivo.sk.


What Makes the Global Report on Slovakia So Special?

A high-quality publication. An excellent source of information, especially for economists and business people. I heartily recommend it.” Leszek Balcerowicz, former Finance Minister and President of the Polish National Bank, Warsaw

Indispensable reading for everybody who wants to understand Slovakia.” Prof. Sharon Wolchik, Washington

Self-reflection by a society based on deep knowledge is the most efficient weapon against demagogues and populists of all kinds.” Senator Petr Pithart, Prague

The Global Report has become an essential publication for anyone who deals with Slovakia. It is a highly lucid combination of facts and analyses of their deeper significance for Central Europe.” Jacques Rupnik, Centre d’Etudes des Sciences Politiques, Paris

This publication covers society’s development in all key areas. Based on in-depth research, it reveals the true potential of Slovakia.” Árpád Göncz, President of the Republic of Hungary 1990 – 2000

The only book to provide a comprehensive profile of Slovakia, a country in transition. Armed with well-researched data and insightful analysis.” George Soros, financier and philanthropist

Key topics of all Global Reports

Domestic Politics, Party System, Rule of Law, Legislation, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, Overall Economic Development, External Security, Defense, Regional Policy, Social Policy, Health Care, Education, Science, Ethnic Minorities, Public Administration, Culture, Media, Non-Governmental Organizations and Volunteerism, Public Opinion, Roma, Environment and Sustainable Development, Gender Issue, Family, Public Security, Transparency and Corruption, Digital Literacy.

Books included:

To order the DVD, please visit our Publication Section or write to bartos@ivo.sk.

>> Back to News

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