On the 5th of February 2016, the Institute for Public Affairs organised a press conference Slovakia 1996 – Slovakia 2016 – Slovakia in Future, dedicated to diverse aspects and results of the analytical, publication and advocacy activities of IVO.
The presented reprint of the book published in spring 1996 Slovakia 1995: Summary Report on the State of Society (edited by Martin Bútora and Péter Hunčík) in the electronic version provides an answer to the question: “Where was Slovakia 20 years ago?”. The historical publication was presented by its co-editor Mr. P. Hunčík, member of the Board of Directors of IVO. He pointed out the thorny path of the Slovak and Central European democracy, which is not yet fully completed, while in the recent time moving along this path has been accompanied by obstacles and falls.
The view on the pre-election Slovak political scene was provided by the President of IVO Grigorij Mesežnikov, who briefly described the positions of each party, the strength of their electoral support, priorities defined in their electoral programs and possible coalition strategies.
Ján Bartoš, IVO analyst, presented the latest four book publications of the Institute, published in 2015 and 2016.
Long-time co-worker of IVO, co-author of the Summary Report on Slovakia 1995 and other book publication of the Institute – Pavol Demeš, introduced the activities of the civic initiative A DOSŤ!(AND ENOUGH!). Pavol Demeš is the co-ordinator of this initiative, which monitors the situation in the Slovak education system and proposes specific solutions, which should change the adverse situation within it.
The press conference was accompanied by showing a photographic series projection titled “Pre-election metabilboards”, created by Pavol Demeš.
Media coverage in English
IVO: Smer-SD Overvalued Migration Crisis, Oppotision Internal Problems