In February 2016, the Institute for Public Affairs published a new digital version of the first summary report on the state of society Slovakia 1995 – after twenty years since its foundation/inception.
The authors, editors and redactors of the first report, which had 300 pages and contained 125 tables, graphs and maps, were Martin Bútora and Péter Hunčík. Eugen Gindl also participated in editing the texts. The publication was issued by Sándor Márai Foundation in Bratislava.
At the time of writing this book, the editor and author team certainly did not expect that it will not be the only summary report, that under the newly established Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) a summary report will be published for the next 15 years in both Slovak and English languages, with the total amount of more than 17,000 book pages, with creative contribution of more than 200 authors and dozens of opponents, editors and redactors. The summary reports became in 15 years an unchangeable source of information, data, analysis, reflections and the views on the world with the special emphasis on the Slovak reality.
This first summary report provides comprehensive insights on the changing economic, political, social, ecological, cultural, value and mental map of Slovakia in the time after the year 1989, and especially in the period after the early parliamentary elections in the autumn of 1994 until the spring of 1996. It notes the continuity and changes in the understanding of major issues of the public interest. In the report, the team of 21 authors monitor and analyse the state of the society in a number of areas.
One and a half years of governance of the coalition of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia led by Vladimir Mečiar, the Slovak National Party led by Ján Slota and the Association of the Workers of Slovakia led by Ján Ľupták, changed the social development in all areas. The authoritarian trends in the style of exercising power and the conflicts and affairs associated with it, peaked only in the subsequent years. Today it is interesting to read how Slovakia was seen and rated by analysts in 1995 – back then, unfamiliar with the development of “mečiarism” in the coming years or the successful turn in the development after the election in 1998.
The publication was also issued in an English translation in 1996, but the electronic version is not yet available.
Slovensko 1995. Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti [In Slovak, PDF, 4,7 MB]
Bonus 2016:
Martin Bútora: Sedem pozdravov čitateľom prvej Súhrnnej správy [In Slovak, PDF, 0,2 MB]