The Role of Civil Society in EU Integration Processes
Supported by: International Visegrad Fund (Visegrad 4 Eastern Partnership Program)
Project span: October 2012 – October 2013
Project leader: International Center for Human Development (Armenia)
Project partners: Institute for Public Affairs (IVO, Slovakia), PASOS - Policy Association for an Open Society (Czech Republic), Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Georgia), European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (Hungary), Association Integration and Development (SIR, Poland), Agency for Legislative Initiatives NGO (Ukraine)
IVO project team: Ján Bartoš, Grigorij Mesežnikov
Objectives: Main goal of the project is to provide knowledge and experiences of nongovernmental non-profit organizations from V4 countries, especially, in creation and exercise of third sector activities supporting European integration. The introductory international conference in Armenia is followed by complementary local trainings in Georgia, Ukraine and Armenia with experts from V4 countries.