On 22-23 November 2012, an Armenian think tank International Center for Human Development (ICHD) organized a joint conference in Yerevan. It was the introductory part of a one year project called The Role of Civil Society in EU integration processes: real engagement through effective involvement.
The joint conference brought together representatives of Visegrad countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary), as well as Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine). Institute for Public Affairs is the project partner of ICHD from Slovakia. The list of all participating organizations is available on the project website.
The major focus of the conference was the presentation of the best practices and lessons learned in the process of European integration in V4 countries, as well the presentation of gaps and challenges in EaP countries. Based on the results, a list of recommendations will be elaborated.
Institute for Public Affairs was represented at the conference in Yerevan by a project coordinator Ján Bartoš, who prepared a presentation on the development civil society organizations in Slovakia. A second representative from Slovakia was Lucia Faltinová, executive director of the Slovak Donors Forum.
Ján Bartoš: Role of CSOs in EU Integration: Lessons learned from Slovakia
- presentation in PDF
Ján Bartoš: Role of CSOs in EU Integration: Lessons learned from Slovakia
- conference speech in PDF
For the full collection of conference speeches, please visit project website.

The Project
The objective of the whole endeavor is to provide access to the unique experience and know-how of the Visegrad Group countries with the role of the civil society in the European integration processes, and thus to contribute to the development of civil society in Eastern Partnership countries.
For more information, visit the project website or project Facebook page.
The second phase of the project envisages local capacity building trainings for the civil society organizations in three EaP countries (Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine) with the involvement of local and international experts.
The ICHD project The Role of Civil Society in EU integration processes: real engagement through effective involvement is supported by the International Visegrad Fund as a Flagship Project within the V4EaP program.