Slovakia 2010. A report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011

The publication Slovensko 2010. Správa o stave spoločnosti a demokracie a o trendoch na rok 2011 (Slovakia 2010. Report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011) is a modified continuation of a series of analytical yearbooks published by the Institute for Public Affairs. This year's publication is more focused on selected areas of the society with the increased use of internal IVO expertise.

In 2010, as well as before, it was the ambition of the authors and editors of the Report on the State of Society and Democracy to diagnose the current state of society, to identify possible alternatives for further development in numerous areas and, where it was possible, to outline the prospects for positive trends and the conditions necessary for their attainment. The publication captures the landscape in all its diversity and brings witness about the ambiguity of the perception of many aspects of the current development from the view of experts, politicians and the wider public.

The book has been written in cooperation between several independent think-tanks, NGOs and academic departments, which were seeking for a critical social analysis. This year were made some changes in the composition of the team of authors which just had confirmed the existence of the potential of independent professional community in Slovakia. The work of implementation team relied on the combination of experience of renowned experts with the activity of young experts.

The book consists of 13 chapters, written by 31 authors.

The chapters of the book:

  • Domestic Politics, Legislation, The rule of Law and the Party System (Vnútropolitický vývoj, legislatíva, právny štát a systém politických strán)
  • Parliamentary Elections in 2010 (Parlamentné voľby 2010)
  • Municipal Elections 2010 (Komunálne voľby 2010)
  • Human and Minority Rights (Ľudské a menšinové práva)
  • Public Opinion (Verejná mienka)
  • Foreign Policy (Zahraničná politika Slovenska)
  • Overall Economic Development (Celkový ekonomický vývoj)
  • Media (Médiá)
  • Transparency and Corruption (Transparentnosť a korupcia)
  • Higher Education (Vysoké školstvo)
  • Non-governmental Organizations and Volunteerism (Mimovládne neziskové organizácie a dobrovoľníctvo)
  • Gender Equality (Rovnosť žien a mužov)
  • Migration (Migrácia)

The book was introduced at press conference and presentation in Bratislava.

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