On July 19, 2011 Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) presented its publication Slovensko 2010. Správa o stave spoločnosti a demokracie a o trendoch na rok 2011 (Slovakia 2010. A report on the State of Society and Democracy and Trends for 2011). The book is in the Slovak language. Editors of the book are Miroslav Kollár, Grigorij Mesežnikov and Martin Bútora. Several authors of publication had informed media about the main findings of the book at the press conference. The presentation of the book took place in the Open Gallery in Bratislava in the evening that day.
Press conference with several authors of the book
Co-authors of the book introduced the publication at press conference early in the morning. Radovan Kavický, an economist, spoke about economic development, employment and public finances. Martin Bútora and Grigorij Mesežnikov introduced those parts of publication which talks about internal and foreign politics. Zora Bútorová spoke about gender equality and public opinion. Martina Sekulová introduced chapter about migration and migrants.
Left to right: Radovan Kavický, Zora Bútorová, Martina Sekulová, Martin Bútora, Grigorij Mesežnikov.
Presentation of the book
Representatives of the scientific, cultural and artistic life, journalists, civic activists, politicians and diplomats took part at the premiere of the book Slovensko 2010. Správa o stave spoločnosti a demokracie a o trendoch na rok 2011 in Open Gallery in Bratislava. The book was introduced by Ladislav Snopko.