On 24 March 2020, IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov took part in the online scientific-practical conference Migration Policy of Ukraine in Conditions of Globalization: Experience with Management and Current Risks. The event took place in parallel with the scientific seminar European Diplomacy in the Contexts of the EU Institutional System Evolution. The event was organized by Uzhgorod National University (Ukraine) and Eurasian National University of Lev Gumilev (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan).
In his contribution, IVO president focused on the political aspects of migration in the V4 countries. He paid special attention to the impact of migration issue on the party politics in Slovakia in the years 2015 – 2019. He presented to the conference participants the book Phantom Menace The Politics and Policies of Migration in Central Europe (edited by Jacek Kucharczyk and Grigorij Mesežnikov), published by the Institute for Public Affairs in cooperation and with the support of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung.
Participants included experts from several academic institutions of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Slovakia. The program of the conference was prepared and the discussion was moderated by Petro Tokar, director of the Research Institute of Migration and Demography at the Faculty of Economics of Uzhgorod National University.