On 8 November 2019, President IVO Grigorij Mesežnikov, who, from September 2019 to June 2020, is a fellow at the Vienna Institute for Human Sciences – Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) at Europe’s Futures program, attended the Europe for the many conference in Palermo (Italy).
The conference, a part of the "TransEuropa 2019. A Festival of Arts, Politics and Culture", was co-organized by the London School of Economics, IWM, European Alternatives, Another Europe is Possible, ERSTE Foundation, Green European Journal, University of Palermo and the City of Palermo.
Discussants in a panel titled Democratizing Europe: from an intergovernmental impasse to a new transnational balance of forces included also Ivan Vejvoda (IWM), Daniele Archibugi (Italian Research Council), Kalypso Nicolaidis (University of Oxford), Leszek Jazdzewski (Liberté journal and Europe’s Futures Fellow), Sule Bucak (former Dep Sec. Gen. Republican People’s Party, Turkey).
In his contribution and the following discussion, Grigorij Mesežnikov pointed out the link between the democratization and reform processes in Central European countries after the fall of the communist regimes with the process of European integration, the democratic value basis of the European Union and the need for its further development and strengthening.