Institute for Public Affairs (IVO| publishes the results of a public opinion poll on the upcoming European elections in Slovakia. The research was carried out thanks to the support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Slovakia (Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung – HSS) for IVO project Slovakia before the 2019 elections to European Parliament. FOCUS polling agency collected data on a representative sample of 1,026 respondents over 18 years of age in 8 – 14 April, 2019.
The results show that the majority of public sees Slovakia‘s membership in the EU as positive. The V4 regional platform has the most positive rating. As expected, the most negative assessments are associated with membership in NATO. Positive assessment of membership in the EU among Slovak public prevailed during long period of time, however, country is lagging behind the EU-28 average.
Approximately one fifth (21%) of respondents stated that they would definitely participate in the elections, another 20% were likely to participate. The rate of decision to come to vote varied considerably according to socio-demographic characteristics and party preferences.
Those who hesitated or were determined not to participate, answered to an open question what would change their decision. Most respondents mentioned the “suitable candidates” as a reason, suggesting a high level of personalization of the eventual mobilization.
For more information, see the results in the presentation and in press release.
Press release: Tlačová správa [pdf]
Presentation of the results: Prezentácia výsledkov [pdf]