Research data: youth education for civic coexistence
In June 2019 the Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) conducted a sociological research among young people aged 15-19 in the framework of the project Youth Education for Civil Coexistence, supported by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic. Data collection was carried out by FOCUS polling agency on a representative sample of respondents of the given age group in the form of online questioning.
We asked young people about their relationship to democracy, their views on the status and chances of members of the various groups in our society, their views on developments in the European Union, trust to people, the perception of the future and other issues.
In addition to sociological research among young people, the IVO project includes interactive lectures followed by discussions with students of secondary schools in Bratislava, preparation of a handbook on basic concepts related to citizens’ coexistence; making students’ views available on civic coexistence through the video interviews.