On 24 September 2018, presentation of the research study Central Europe: Youth – Politics – Democracy (Public Opinion Research in Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) was held in the Open Gallery in Bratislava. The study was elaborated and released in the framework of the international project “Attitude of youth to democracy and European integration” supported by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) of the United States.
The study is a result of a joint work of international team of researchers from the Institute for Public Affairs (Bratislava), the Institute of Public Affairs (Warsaw) and the Political Capital Institute (Budapest). It is based on analysis of findings from the representative public opinion poll and summary of discussions conducted within the focus groups.
Presentation of the study and the following discussion were attended by Oľga Gyárfášová (author of the Slovak part of the study, IVO/FSES), Grigorij Mesežnikov (IVO), Katarína Čavojská (Youth Council of Slovakia) and Andrej Findor (Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences). Discussion was introduced and moderated by Zuzana Papazoski (NDI Director for Poland and Central Europe).
Participants discussed the issues of value orientations of young people in Slovakia, the attitudes of Slovak youth to democracy and other forms of political organization of society, views on the current political developments in the country, representation of the local, national and European elements in shaping the identity of young people, the factor of political participation of members of the younger generation.
Central Europe: Youth, Politics, Democracy. Public Opinion Research (pdf)
Presentation of findings (pdf)
Invitation to the event (pdf)