On January 18, 2018, IVO president Grigorij Mesežnikov took part in the public debate Active Citizenship and Citizen Participation in the Czech Republic and the V4 countries. The event, organized by STEM Institute in cooperation with Forum 2000 Foundation, took place in Prague in the Czech Centers Gallery as part of the international project “Strengthening Citizenship in V4 Countries” supported by the International Visegrad Fund (IVF).
The results of comparative sociological survey conducted within the project were presented by Helena Penno Hartlová (STEM). Together with her three experts – Grigorij Mesežnikov, Jan Hartl, founder of STEM - Institute for Empirical Research and Bob Kartous from the Information Center for Education – took part in the subsequent discussion.
Discussion was moderated by Tomáš Bouška from Forum 2000 Foundation.
The basic research findings, presented at the event, can be found here:
Jaký je stav a příčina občanské (ne)angažovanosti v zemích V4 [What is the state and cause of civic (non) engagement in V4 countries]
Information about the event can be found here:
Občanská (ne)angažovanost - program [Civic (non) engagement – program]