Analysis of legislation on election campaign financing in Slovakia
Publication Transparency of election campaign financing in local government elections in Slovakia: legislation and practice. Analysis and recommendations (original: Transparentnosť financovania volebnej kampane v komunálnych voľbách v SR: právna úprava a prax) is an outcome of the international project “Transparency of Local Government Elections in Central and Eastern Europe“ which was carried out by the Institute for Public Affairs between 2014 and 2016.
Authors of the publication - Grigorij Mesežnikov, Jaroslav Pilát and Peter Kunder - analyse individual provisions of applicable legislation (Act No. 180/2014 Coll. on the conditions for the exercise of voting rights and Act No. 181/2014 Coll. on election campaign) and generalise experience from the local government elections in 2014 in order to formulate expert conclusions about suitability and efficacy of the current legislation regulating electoral process and campaign (including its financing) in the local government elections in Slovakia. Another objective is to provide draft recommendations of changes with an aim to improve transparency of the voting process, raise its openness for citizens and increase efficacy of control mechanisms of electoral activities funding. Download: Transparentnosť financovania volebnej kampane v komunálnych voľbách v SR: právna úprava a prax [pdf, in Slovak]