On the 25th of May 2016, Grigorij Mesežnikov, IVO president, attended the conference Autocratical Challenge for the European project – What to do and not to do. The event was held within the project The answer to the Euro-Asian Challenge for Eastern Europe, supported by the International Visegrad Fund. Experts from Poland, Belarus, Slovakia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Russia, Hungary and Germany discussed the current challenges which are now facing the European Union initiative The Eastern Partnership (EaP), the current results of its implementation, some problematic trends in the EU approach and the individual EU member states to this initiative, the situation in the EaP countries, mainly in Belarus and Ukraine, the policy of the Russian Federation towards the EU and the EaP countries. The conference was attended by the members of the diplomatic corps, accredited in Warsaw.
In his presentation, Grigorij Mesežnikov focused on the importance of the EaP initiative for the overall neighbourhood policy of the EU and for the processes of democratisation and reforms in the Eastern European countries. IVO president stressed the necessity to comply with principles and values, on which the EU neighbourhood policy in Eastern Europe is based, above all democracy, freedom and the human rights protection.

Foto: Charter97.org
Conference Program (pdf)
Conference Summary in the Russian language (link)
Conference Summary in the English language (link)