On the 20th of May 2016, a conference was held at the Comenius University in Bratislava titled Taiwan after the elections – Slovakia before the EU presidency. It was organised by the Department of Political Science of Comenius University, the Slovak-Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and the Taipei Representative Office in Bratislava. Grigorij Mesežnikov, IVO president, talked in his contribution about results of the January’s presidential and parliamentary elections in Taiwan in the context of the overall democratization of the country and development of the civil society. At the conference, presentations were also given by: Larry Tseng, head of the Taipei Representative Office, Richard Turcsányi, deputy director of the Institute of Asian Studies, and Vladislav Štefanec, president of Slovak-Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce. The conference was opened by and the discussion was moderated by Zsolt Gál, from the Department of Political Science at the Comenius University.
In the discussion, the participants of the conference – experts, political analysts, historians, linguists and present Members of Parliament (Peter Osuský, Jozef Viskupič) - discussed internal political and economic development in Taiwan, the issues of Slovak-Taiwanese cooperation, the situation in the region of East Asia, the relations between Taiwan and mainland China, Taiwan and the EU and the prospects of the Slovak presidency in the EU.
Program of the conference (pdf)