MIPEX 2015: Slovakia neglects integration of migrants

On April 29 latest study MIPEX 2015 has been launched in Slovakia. National partner of MIPEX project – Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) - organized two national events: press conference for media and discussion forum open to broad public.  

Press Conference

During the press conference MIPEX findings for Slovakia have been presented by Thomas Huddleston (Migration Policy Group, Brussels) and Martina Sekulová and Oľga Gyárfášová (both Institute for Public Affairs).

MIPEX 2015 Slovakia - press release (pdf, in Slovak)

MIPEX 2015 Slovakia - Read the findings (link to website) 

Discussion forum

The public discussion, which took place in the Polish cultural institute within the [fjúžn] festival, had the title „What conditions creates Slovakia for the migrants?“ Discussants were:  Thomas Huddleston, Migration Policy Group; Zuzana Vatráľová, director of the IOM Slovakia, Martin Kahanec, expert on labor migration, Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI), CEU a IZA; Miroslava Hlinčíková, analyst, Institute of ethnology SAV/Institute for Public Affairs and Huong Gašparovská from the Union of Vietnamese women. Discussion was moderated by Laco Oravec, Milan Šimečka Foundation. Public discussion - Invitation (pdf, in Slovak)

Media coverage - articles in English

spectator.sk: Slovakia neglects integration of migrants

spectator.sk: Slovakia lacks appropriate policy

neurope.eu: Slovakia’s immigrant integration policy compared


The new Integration Policies: Who Benefits? (MIPEX 2015) aims to analyse what governments are actually doing to promote the integration of migrants. In this particularly sensitive time for migration issues, the fourth edition of this project, led by the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and the Migration Policy Group (MPG), conducts a complete review of integration outcomes, policies, and beneficiaries in all EU Member States, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey and the USA.

In this sense, the MIPEX 2015 has focused on whether these policies are effective in practice and who is benefiting from them.

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