On March 10th, 2014, Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) in cooperation with high schools around Slovakia organized the first nationwide Student Mock Elections. More than fourteen thousand students attending 53 participating school could vote for the president of Slovakia among 14 registered candidates.
The Presidential mock elections were carried out according to the same rules and principles as ordinary elections. More than 160 volunteers worked in student elections committees in their schools.
Official Election results
The winner of Mock Presidential Elections is Andrej Kiska (36.74 %). The second place goes to Radoslav Procházka (24.70 %) and Robert Fico was the third (10.51 %). Number of voting students – 7.644 – brought overall voting turnout to 54.49 %.
The most victories on schools achieved Andrej Kiska (32), followed by Radoslav Prochazka (15), Robert Fico (3), Guyla Bardos (2) and Milan Kňažko (1).
Fifty-three participating schools were proportionally regionally distributed (they are seated in all parts of Slovakia). The highest voting turnout was in Trnava region and Bratislava region, and in Eastern Slovakia. The lover turnout, however, was achieved in the middle parts of Slovakia.
The aim of the project Student Elections 2014 is to increase the level of public information and raise awareness about the functioning of the fundamental democratic principles and electoral system in Slovakia within the target group of high school students aged 15-18, draw them into the public square and increase their civic engagement through the model elections and to help increase electoral turnout among first-time voters in elections in Slovakia.
Full election results are available in pdf format, in Slovak only.
Študentské voľby - press release (pdf)
Študentské voľby - presentation of results (pdf)
The final results of Mock Elections were presented by Miroslav Kollár, IVO executive director.