Extremism and its revival in public debate and political movements in Central Europe

Supported by: International Visegrad Fund, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Nadácia ESET

Project span: February 2015 - December 2015

Co-operating institutions: Global Solidarity Association (Lublin, Poland), Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis (Budapest, Hungary), EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy (Praha, Czech Republic)

IVO project team: Miroslav Kocúr, Ján Bartoš, Grigorij Mesežnikov

Objective: The project focuses on two chosen aspects of the reflection: the national identity and the understanding of religious identity which are very often present in the political discussions in current revival of extremist nationalistic ideas of Slovak republic 1939-1945. Presented proposal has the ambition to overcome the stereotypes of traditional interpretations of specific problems emerging especially from the discussion on the national strategy on human rights (women, gender, LGBTI, migration, integration) and simultaneous increasing influence of extremist anti-establishment movements opposing human rights agenda using the religious populism and fundamentalist methodology in the name of the protection of national and religious traditions. The project would like to reach these objectives by the means of the scientific research, interdisciplinary cooperation and public discussion. The methodology is based on the personal expertise and personal experience as well. The project participants and experts are in a deep professional contact with academic environment, at the same time the Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) has a relevant experience from the past 25 years as a high school teachers and active NGO experts and authors of numerous articles and books and human rights.

Discussions in schools of different regions
- International conference
- Essay Tiso's Ghost in 2016 Slovakia

Supported by:

International Visegrad Fund


Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

Nadácia ESET

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