On May 6, 2014 in Nu Spirit Bar in Bratislava, the new publication of the Institute for Public Affairs Financovanie politických strán v SR: Spoločensko-politický a právny kontext, štatistické prehľady, prax [Financing of Political Parties in Slovakia: Socio-Political and Legal Contexts, Statistical Overviews, Practice] was introduced.
Speaking to reporters and experts, author of the book Grigorij Mesežnikov characterized the current state and key trends in financing of political parties’ activities, the impact of these trends on Slovakia’s party politics in the period of 1992 – 2012. Topics of discussion included the issues related to transparency of the existing model of political parties‘ financing, respect of principle of equality in political competition, existent ties between parties and the state.
Detailed information on the publication can be found here:
Financovanie politických strán v SR: Spoločensko-politický a právny kontext, štatistické prehľady, prax