On 24 January, 2014, the Policy Association for an Open Society (PASOS) issued a statement, endorsed by its members, including the Institute for Public Affairs (IVO), dealing with the situation in Ukraine. The statement was directed to Catherine Ashton, Vice-President, European Commission, and High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, European Council; Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy; Martin Schulz, President, European Parliament; and Jean-Claude Mignon, President, Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe (see the PASOS webpage).
“It is time for EU diplomacy to move into high gear to prevent further escalation of the internal conflict in Ukraine, to put an end to political repression against pro-democracy activists, and to voice support for freedom of assembly and expression, including the rights of civil society organisations and the independent media”, PASOS argued in its statement.
See more about PASOS initiative here.