The Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) and Kalligram publishing house released new publication Odkiaľ a Kam. 20 rokov samostatnosti (From Where To Where. Twenty Years of Independence) edited by Martin Bútora, Grigorij Mesežnikov, Zora Bútorová and Miroslav Kollár.
Sixty-one authors of the book deal with developments encountered by Slovak and Czech societies after division of Czechoslovakia. Among them are the representatives of different generations and professions in both countries – historians, political scientists, lawyers, sociologists, economists, psychologists, anthropologists, pedagogues, theologians, writers, journalists, civic activists and bloggers. The book offers a polyphonic and multi-genre testimony of people with different life experiences.
Did independence bring us more democracy and decency in politics? Did it bring more responsibility and civic maturity, stronger rule of law and better economic conditions? Or it is different? Why are we moving just in this direction and where it will lead us? Seeking the answers to these and many other questions, authors share with readers their observations and critical reflections, with hopes and visions for better society.
The book is a loose continuation of previous joint publications of IVO and Kalligram, released in 2010 – Kde sme? Mentálne mapy Slovenska (Where are We? Mental Maps of Slovakia).
Authors of new IVO book include Marek Adamov, Vladimír Baláž, Jozef Bátora, Zsolt Bindics, Fedor Blaščák, Daniel Bútora, Martin Bútora, Zora Bútorová, Juraj Buzalka, Jan Červenka, Jozef Červeň, Alexander Duleba, Martin Ehl, Pavol Frič, Elena Gallová-Kriglerová, Zsolt Gál, František Gyárfáš, Oľga Gyárfášová, Roman Holec, Ingrid Hrubaničová, Karel Hvížďala, Michal Hvorecký, Zora Jaurová, Ivan Ježík, Miroslav Kocúr, Miroslav Kollár, Martin Kríž, Miroslav Kusý, Jarmila Lajčáková, Juraj Malíček, Samo Marec, Ondřej Matoušek, Janette Maziniová, Grigorij Mesežnikov, Juraj Mesík, František Múčka, Tomáš Němeček, Tom Nicholson, Dušan Ondrušek, Laco Oravec, Klára Orgovánová, Daniel Pastirčák, Zora Pauliniová, Kálmán Petőcz, Petr Pithart, Jiří Přibáň, Martin C. Putna, Juraj Rizman, Ladislav Snopko, Anton Srholec, László Szigeti, Soňa Szomolányi, Martin M. Šimečka, Paulína Tabery, Marián Velšic, Jozef Vozár, Monika Vrzgulová, Zuzana Wienk, Milan Zemko, Adam Znášik, Eduard Žitňanský.
Publication was supported by the Tatra Banka Foundation, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Open Society Foundation.
The book is available in our e-shop.