Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Partnership Programme

Supported by: PASOS (Prague), National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Co-operating institutions: PASOS, ISP (Warsaw), DIF (Kyiv)

Project span: August – September 2013

IVO project team: Grigorij Mesežnikov (mentor), Ján Bartoš (manager) 

Objective: The project included several-weeks-study-stay of scholar from Ukraine focused on gaining the new knowledge about democratic transition in Central European countries. In August – September 2013, Maria Zolkina, expert from Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Kyiv, held study leave in IVO. She continued to work on her research topic (The impact of Europeanization on Democratic Transformations: the Cases of Slovakia and Ukraine). During her stay in Bratislava, Maria Zolkina has held the series of meetings with experts (political scientists, economists, ecologists), essayists, representatives of European institutions in Slovakia, members of state and non-governmental organizations.

Outputs - paper: 
Maria Zolkina: The Impact of Europeanization on Democratic Transformations: The Cases of Slovakia and Ukraine 

More information on project: PASOS web

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