"Alternative politics"? The rise of new political formations in Central Europe: reasons, factors, consequences
Supported by: International Visegrad Fund, Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Project span: July 2012 - April 2013
Co-operating institutions: Center for Social Sciences - Institute for Political Science (Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences); Masaryk University (Brno); Institute of Public Affairs (Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warsaw)
Objective: The main project objective is to analyze reasons, factors and consequences of the emergence of the “alternative politics” in Central Europe – the rise of new political formations in V4 states. In the last years the new political parties with different ideological profiles have been founded in Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The proposed project will concentrate on analytical responses to the following questions: What are the reasons behind the emergence of new political formations? How do they communicate with voters? What are the consequences of new types of mobilization used by new parties for the overall population voting behavior? What are the consequences of “alternative politics” for the existent party systems? What is the impact of ”alternative politics” to the governance and policy making process?