IVO at the international conference My Hero, Your Enemy: Listening to Understand
The International Visegrad Fund in cooperation with academic institutes for history in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia organized a conference entitled My Hero, Your Enemy: Listening to Understand.
The conference – which took place 1-3 December 2011 in Prague under the auspices of Czech and Slovak ministers for foreign affairs – brought together historians from the countries of the Visegrad Group to discuss problems linked to the different perceptions of the shared history (conference program).
Within the conference the findings of the public opinion surveys about the historical memory in V4 countries have been presented. The comparative research project has been coordinated by the Institute for Public Affairs and Oľga Gyárfášová introduced the findings.
Małgorzata Fałkowska-Warska:Die Geschichte aus der Perspektive der Bürger der Visegrád-Staaten – Verklärung der Vergangenheit oder gesellschaftliche Amnesie? Available here: www.laender-analysen.de/polen/pdf/PolenAnalysen102.pdf