MIPEX III - Evaluation of Migrants Integration Policies

On May 2, 2011 the study MIPEX III evaluating and comparing the 31 countries’ migrant integration policies was released. The international study was run by the Brussels think tank Migration Policy Group in co-operation with the British Council. The Slovak partner organization was the Institute for Public Affairs (IVO).

The Migrant Integration Policy Index - MIPEX  - evaluates 148 policy indicators in the 7 areas essential for the integration of migrants: labor market mobility, family reunion for third-country nationals, education, political participation, long term residence, access to nationality, and anti-discrimination.

In 2007-2010, the countries with the highest quality migrant integration policies were Sweden, Portugal, and Canada; contrary, the weakest integration policies has been identified in Latvia, Cyprus, and Slovakia (29th out of total 31 countries).

The presentation of the results and the follow-up discussion ‘Policy of Migrant Integration – Slovakia in the EU Comparison’ was participated by Thomas Huddleston, MIPEX III head analyst, Migration Policy Group; JUDr. Martina Janíková, Department of Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic; Michal Vašečka, sociologist, Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture; and Habib Abdif Mohammed from Somalia who has been granted a one-year protection stay in Slovakia. The discussion was moderated by Oľga Gyárfášová. 

For further enquiries on MIPEX please visit http://www.mipex.eu/.

The Media Responses Selected (in Slovak only):

sme.sk: Naša integračná politika je jednou z najhorších v Európe
webnoviny.sk: SR má tretí najnepriaznivejší index integrácie
plusky.sk: Máme tretí najnepriaznivejší index integrácie v rámci EÚ
tyzden.sk: MPSVR SR: Slovensko vo výskume migrácie prepadlo
fuu.sk: SR má tretí najnepriaznivejší index integrácie
enovinky.sk: Slovensko má 3. nepriaznivý index integrácie v rámci EÚ
piestanskydennik.sk: Slovensko vo výskume migrácie prepadlo
noviny.udalosti.sk: MPSVRSR:Slovensko vo výskume migrácie prepadlo
comein.sk: SR má tretí najnepriaznivejší index integrácie v rámci EÚ
titulka.com: SR má tretí najnepriaznivejší index integrácie v rámci EÚ
narodnaobroda.sk: máme tretí najnepriaznivejší index integrácie
s24.sk: SR má tretí najnepriaznivejší index integrácie v rámci EÚ
kosice24.sk: SR má tretí najnepriaznivejší index integrácie v rámci EÚ
spravy.pozri.sk: SR má 3. najnepriaznivejší index integrácie v rámci EÚ
citylife.sk: Politiky integrácie migrantov - Slovensko v EU porovnaní
hnonline.sk: Slovensko v migrácii prepadlo
multikulti.sk: Vidíme pozitíva migrácie

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