On January 20, 2011, the president of IVO, Grigorij Mesežnikov, participated in the international expert conference ‘Judiciary Reforms – Past and Future‘. The conference was organized by the Slovak branch of the Open Society Foundation (orig. Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti, NOS – OSF) and the independent judicial initiative ‘For Open Judiciary’ (orig. Za otvorenú justíciu – ZOJ).
In his contribution, Mesežnikov addressed the issue of judiciary in the context of the transformation process after 1989. As he stated, during the Slovak transformation to democracy, the judiciary as the subsystem of the society has lagged behind the other spheres of political and social life. Subsequently, Mesežnikov interpreted the selected causes of the current situation.

The conference was participated by 35 judges from V4 countries, Austria, Serbia, the Netherlands, and Latvia. Its aim was to identify the problems Visegrad countries’ judiciary faces and to draft the solutions for reinforcement of the independent and open judiciary.

Program of the conference
Bratislava call - Judges and legal experts answered the call for reinforcement of the judicial independence
Slovak Judiciary in the Transformation Context - Mesežnikov’s contribution to the conference
Rozchod s minulosťou v súdnictve nenastal (En.: The Breakup with the Past Happened, But Not in the Judiciary) – short version of the report published in SME (daily newspaper)