On March 30, 2011, the presentation of the publication Visegrad Elections 2010: Domestic Impact and European Consequences which has been recently published by the Institute for Public Affairs, took place. The event – entitled Implications of the Elections in V4 Countries 2010 – Internal and External Challenges - took place in the ceremonial Mirror Hall in the Czernin Palace, the headquarter of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic . It has been organized and financially supported by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung.
The 2010 parliamentary elections in Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia, together with the early presidential vote in Poland present an important milestone not only in the developments of the individual states, but also in the regional and European context.
Implications of the elections as well as internal and external challenges were discussed by Grigorij Mesežnikov, Martin Bútora, and Olga Gyárfášová, all from the Institute for Public Affairs, Bratislava and by co-authors Jacek Kucharczyk, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw ; Václav Nekvapil, CEC Government Relations, Prague, and Zoltán Pogátsa, Central European University, Budapest.