IVO hosted a group of Ukrainian journalists
Form March 8 thru March 13 Institute for Public Affairs (IVO) hosted four prestigious Ukrainian journalists: Ms. Olena Geda, special correspondent from the national daily newspaper Kommersant-Ukraine; Ms. Liudmila Bortok, correspondent of the TV Channel Ukraine, Donetsk; Mr. Mykola Siruk, editor of International Section of Den Ukrainian Daily Newspaper and Mr. Andrii Lavreniuk from the of UNIAN News Agency, Kiev. Their study stay in Bratislava was conducted within the project “Increasing awareness about EU-NATO integration and democratization” supported by a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic.
IVO prepared for the fellows a very comprehensive program. They had several lectures, seminars and consultations; moreover they visited several Slovak media (daily Sme, Slovak Radio, News agency SITA, TA3 TV, news web portal Aktualne.sk). They have meetings also at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition a discussion for experts, journalists, policy makers and broad public entitled “What’s going on in Ukraine?” has been organized. Ukrainian journalists valued the program and the study stay very much and will use the information from Slovakia and about Slovakia in their work for Ukrainian media.
Some of the Ukrainian media outputs:
Як у Словаччині подолали «кучмізм»: уроки для України
ТРК "Украина": "События".
Эксперт: Евросоюзу не важен Янукович - важна стабильность
ЄС передусім зацікавлений у стабільності в Україні
Ukrainian journalists discussing with Matúš Kostolný, editor in chief, daily Sme
...visiting Slovak radio
...with Alexander Duleba (RC SFPA) during the debate „What’s going on in
...visiting TA3 TV with news editor in chief Richard Dírer
...at the Institute for Public Affairs with Grigorij Mesežnikov and Oľga Gyárfášová, project managers
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